Tag Archive | Creation. People. Potential

We the people

......Thou art the most magnificent creation of God, who placed their holy feet on this 3,600km radial muddy sphere. Somewhere a whisper has been created, but it is you who has to make it into a echo, so huge that the world listens to you. On an average we get less than ten decades to punch down our name into each silent lub-dub. For the every lub-dub Almighty gives, she is in some expectation of some good initiative(or good work) to be taken(or done), even if it is simplest of it’s kind. Believe it or not, God doesn’t withstand any compromise because she has given, all of us a certain “POTENTIALITY” or “ LIMIT” which is like a distant star, which we need to explore, but we or more precisely most of us don’t do full justice to it…! So are we not disappointing her?.. Think of this as a work given to you by your friend, but you don’t do it.. doesn’t that friend get disappointed..? I think yes, so do we have the courage to disappoint God who is our lifetime friend..? I think NO! WE DO NOT..! so are we not foolish enough, of not trying to do  some GOOD by exploiting our in-born potential, although it may be very small but we know, “drop by drop makes an ocean”. So, it is not late to start as “ it is better late than never”. It is just a matter of trying and the rest will follow itself. Well let’s try and give our honest effort and see what happens, as there is no better start other than giving it a ‘TRY’. So folk’s promise yourself to create such a bang that one day the world listens to you so that God takes pride in her wonderful creation.