Noise.. Is it too disturbing??


Quite often ‘Noise’ is really a disturbing element for us and naturally to me also. As for me, I always like to be in such sort a place where there is a peaceful atmosphere, a place where I could think freely. But recently something made me to think a bit differently. Now for quite some time i have been residing in a mess where I stay completely alone not even the Landlord. The thing is, the landlord has got this house on a resale and they are yet to live in this house. But before that the house need to have some sort of reconstruction. During my 1st week of staying I saw the house being reconstructed as usual there were a lot of people working and made a hell of a noise. Being alone i was a bit tensed but one day i realized was the noise of a marble-cutter: exactly what happened is that once the machine got started the noise kept on for sometime after then it stopped, to this I felt something uneasy and my mind told that why did the machine stop and when it happened I realized that unconsciously I was comfortable with that noise and I was happy that the noise was there. When it was not I craved that when will the machine will start again..goodness gracious then I asked myself whether the noise kept me an accompany to this lonely place that I lived in. I was very much surprised then and after that day when ever that sound came I felt a happy as something kept accompanied always and it didn’t had any effect on my thought process. It is really strange when you dislike something and that very thing indirectly is giving you company is really unimaginable..a short but a nice experience, in conclusion I can say is that one should never take anything in a negative frame of mind as everything has it’s very importance attached to it.  

5 thoughts on “Noise.. Is it too disturbing??

  1. 😀 😀 first one of this kind of post from u! I “like”d it! Noise is a good company indeed when there is no one around. 🙂
    U know, I think it is quite wonderful, the way our brain adapts to regular noise as if it is not there at all! 🙂

  2. Some noise is good…sound of the waves crashing onto the shore and crickets…the sound of a baby laughing…I can never get enough of those sounds. But there are those sounds which grate like fingernails on a chalkboard.
    Nicely written and thank you for sharing.
    Peach State

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